Frequently Asked Questions



Employer branding stands for the strategic brand development of your company and helps you to present your company in the best possible light on the labour market. Thanks to our many years of experience in employer branding and our job portal solution as well as our INJOBS recruiting software, we are the ideal contact partner and will be happy to help you.


  • Expansion of the company's position on the labour market
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Acquiring potential applicants
  • Increasing the attractiveness of your company

Our service:

  • Consultancy and conception
  • Development of the career website
  • Employer branding campaigns
  • Employee images
  • Image film
  • Corporate photography
  • HR recruiting solution
  • Print media concept

Photography is not just about taking pictures of subjects, but also about creatively designing images that express emotions and capture the viewer's attention.
Our photographer adapts his style flexibly to the needs and wishes of each customer. With a broad repertoire of photographic techniques and a keen sense for current trends, he creates impressive images.

SEO is the process of optimising a website to improve its visibility in the organic (non-paid) search results of search engines such as Google.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, refers to the techniques and strategies used to optimise a website for search engines. The aim is to improve the visibility of a website in the search results for certain keywords or search terms, resulting in a higher number of visitors and potential customers. SEO includes various measures to ensure that a website is ranked higher in search engines. These include improving meta tags, improving website structure and navigation for a better user experience, creating high quality content, increasing page load speed, building links from other websites and much more. A good SEO strategy can help a website to rank better in search engines and therefore attract more visitors and potential customers.

We are happy to help you optimise your website and improve your online visibility.

AI optimisation involves the use of algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyse and optimise existing processes, systems or products. By using large amounts of data, patterns can be recognised, predictions made and automated decisions taken. This enables companies to create more efficient processes, offer personalised services, develop better products and make more informed decisions.

Our experts can help you fully exploit the potential of AI optimisation to strengthen your company and gain a competitive edge.

We offer interactive SEO workshops to help you expand your search engine optimisation knowledge and learn practical skills. Our workshops are run by offer a variety of topics, including keyword research, on-page optimisation, off-page optimisation, technical SEO and much more. The hands-on sessions will provide you with valuable insights and tips to help you optimise your website for search engines and improve your online visibility.

Dialogue marketing is a form of marketing in which companies enter into a targeted interactive exchange with their customers in order to build long-term relationships and strengthen customer loyalty. It involves targeted communication via various channels such as email, social media, telephone or post, with a focus on personal and individual dialogue.

We help you to develop an effective strategy that enables you to communicate with your customers and build long-term relationships. Together with you, we plan campaigns that are precisely tailored to your target group. Our team also ensures that the right channels are used with the right content. Feel free to contact us!

Videography work includes planning, shooting, editing and publishing videos for various purposes such as advertising, marketing, entertainment, education and more. Our videographers combine their creative skills and technical knowledge to produce high-quality videos that effectively convey your message and engage your target audience. They are at your disposal to turn your vision into impressive videos.