Frequently Asked Questions



The experienced team at neusta infrastructure services analyses and evaluates key components of the IT infrastructure, such as servers, storage and applications. The aim is to identify weak points and overload problems at an early stage and make technical optimisations in order to maximise the availability and performance of the systems.

Neusta infrastructure services offers comprehensive IT security solutions, including penetration testing, powerful firewalls and endpoint protection. The company also ensures that all security measures comply with the current legal requirements of European law and the guidelines of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Neusta infrastructure Sservices offers hosting services that are available around the clock and are operated in a German-language data centre. The guaranteed availability of the services - 24 hours a day, seven days a week - ensures that systems function optimally at all times and that there is no downtime.

Neusta infrastructure services is characterised by the use of state-of-the-art technologies and continuous further training. The company's holistic approach means that it acts as a strategic partner, offering customised solutions that are precisely tailored to the specific requirements and objectives of its customers.

Neusta infrastructure services offers a comprehensive range of IT solutions, including high-performance hosting, expert infrastructure consulting, intelligent infrastructure operation and comprehensive IT security. The company supports companies in optimising, securing and future-proofing their IT infrastructure.

The time it takes to set up an online shop with Shopify can vary depending on the complexity and scope of the shop. In principle, you can set up a simple shop in just a few days. However, if you need special customisations, extensive product catalogues or complex integrations, the setup may take longer. Our team is on hand to speed up the process and ensure that your shop is created exactly as you want it.

Act quickly and implement a suitable recovery strategy. This includes changing all passwords, removing infected files, carrying out security updates and updating all plugins and themes. You may also need to contact an experienced security expert.

Implement a web application firewall (WAF), use SSL encryption for secure data transfers, enable regular security scans and monitoring, rely on secure hosting infrastructures and strong access controls.

Open source CMS are CMS systems where the source code is publicly accessible and can be further developed by the community. They are generally secure, as potential vulnerabilities can be quickly recognised and rectified, provided regular updates are carried out.

Regularly check that your CMS version, plugins and themes are up to date. Make backups of your website data and carry out regular security checks to find possible vulnerabilities.

Potential risks for CMS systems include attacks by hackers, data breaches, malware infections and data loss.

Interactive landing pages offer higher user engagement, improved user experience and can effectively increase brand awareness through appealing design and creative interactions.

The performance of interactive landing pages can be improved by optimizing file sizes, loading times, caching mechanisms and code efficiency to ensure a smooth user experience.

When developing interactive landing pages, knowledge of animation techniques, user interaction, front-end development and the integration of CMS solutions is crucial.

Interactive elements on landing pages make the experience more appealing and engaging by encouraging visitors to interact with the content and become more involved with the page.