Humanising Brands

Brand authenticity is an invaluable asset. More and more customers mistrust empty promises; they value sincerity, transparency and traceability. Humanising a brand means creating an emotional presence based on human values and authentic relationships. This approach is at the heart of humanistic marketing.

Building authenticity is a crucial aspect of humanistic marketing. By revealing the human side of your brand, you can create emotional connections with your customers. The following points are crucial when building authenticity:

Target group

To build authenticity, understand your target audience. Align your message with your values, for example, by highlighting sustainable practices.

Brand history

Share your brand's unique story. Highlight challenges and successes to build a deeper connection, such as design inspiration or craftsmanship.


Transparency builds trust. Openness about processes and ingredients, such as the origin of ingredients, conveys an honest image of the brand.


Engage with customers on social media or support channels. Real feedback and connections show the human side of your brand.

User-generated content

Encourage customers to share their experiences through content such as reviews or social media posts. This enhances authenticity and creates a sense of community.

Customer experience

Authenticity is evident in the overall customer experience. Make sure that every interaction, from the website to support, reflects your brand values.

The power of emotional triggers

The IBBA brand authenticity scale was developed to capture the characteristics of a brand. This scale is based on sociological approaches and rates brands according to the criteria of integrity and originality, measuring how well the brand identity matches actual behaviour. Authentic brands consistently align their rhetoric and actions, avoiding opportunistic decisions that might deviate from their identity. They stay true to their "inner compass" and ensure consistency across all touchpoints.

This approach has proven effective, leading to measurable improvements in economic and behavioural metrics. In an era when traditional reference points such as regional culture or religion are fading, authentic brands are particularly valuable. They provide orientation, support the formation of customers' identities and strengthen brand loyalty through reliability and a sense of responsibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Humanistic marketing places human values and needs at the centre of marketing strategies. It emphasises that consumers are emotional and social beings who seek authentic relationships with brands. This approach fosters trust, loyalty and differentiates your brand from the competition by building deeper emotional connections.

The IBBA scale is an empirically tested tool that evaluates brands on the basis of 14 indicators. It measures how well the brand identity matches actual behaviour and provides reliable indications of brand image, trust and purchase intent. This enables companies to derive concrete measures to strengthen their authenticity.

The two main factors are integrity and originality. Integrity requires a consistent match between brand values and behaviour, while originality means that a brand is characterised by its own identity and does not imitate other role models.

Increase the authenticity of your brand by ensuring consistency in your brand message and behaviour across all touchpoints. Avoid opportunistic decisions that deviate from your identity. Focus on transparent communication and actively interact with your customers to foster genuine connections.

A high level of brand authenticity leads to measurable improvements in economic and behavioural indicators. It enhances the brand image, strengthens customer trust and increases purchase intent. Authentic brands promote deeper customer loyalty and support long-term brand loyalty.

Humanising Brands


Brand authenticity is an invaluable asset. Discover how you can take your brand to a new level through humanistic marketing and authenticity. Our article shows you how to build emotional connections with your customers by putting integrity and originality at the centre.