Juice Jobs in
a New Design

In cooperation with the HRM Personal Institut, we drafted, designed and developed the new appearance of the regional job portals from Tyrol (tirolerjobs.at) to Vienna (wienerjobs.at) and succeeded in building a well-developed, client-capable platform solution that includes many innovations in the recruiting sector.

New Architecture

With the step into a new software architecture environment, the solution of HRM and INSCRIPT has started a new era. After more than 10 years of successful cooperation, the old portals, which were also developed by INSCRIPT, have been brought up to date in terms of technology and content. They were built with the backend framework Symfony with an API integration platform and a headless approach was pursued in the frontend with VUE and Bootstrap to ensure the necessary flexible presentation of the content.

We don't just see the Internet as an outbound channel here, because especially in the job sector, there are countless other providers that make use of the job advertisements on the platforms. The API-first approach is one of the most important aspects of our solution that we wanted to provide with the client-capable platform.

Neue Features

Job platforms in particular always offer enormous challenges, because in addition to a good, semantic search, a sophisticated yet simple application process is the biggest challenge. We have incorporated some innovations into our joint solution so that both applicants and companies can reach their goal very quickly.

With the relevant dashboards, applicants can not only optimise their application processes, but also quickly remember jobs and companies or create selective job finders so that they are always up to date. The administration of the companies also sets new standards and offers them many comfortable usability features for the administration of both the company and job advertisements.

Unique User / Month


With the aim of being able to respond even faster to the needs of job requirements, a completely client-capable platform was developed so that both regional and topic-specific portals can be set up. With a development and project term of over 1.5 years, a great deal of know-how was put into this platform, which will soon also be able to serve with complete multilingualism and a sophisticated template editor. We want to be even more flexible and faster in managing job and company data.

Zur Website


The interfaces in the job platforms provide an elementary basis for the administration of all job advertisements of the respective companies. Via our interface editor, administration of all common software applications is possible and individually adaptable to the respective portals.

Zur Website


With our template editor, it is possible for our customers to manage individual company pages and job advertisements. The templates can be individually designed and saved for the respective publishing channel. Omnichannel management is thus possible for the respective customers.

Zur Website

Semantic Search

With a semantic search technology and a sophisticated search algorithm, the job portals were raised to a new level. The semantic search is by far one of the components that INSCRIPT has professionally integrated into the multitenant application.

Zur Website


Every day, a large number of applicants receive suitable jobs tailored to their needs in their inbox. The sending interval can be set individually so that everyone can benefit from it.

Zur Website


A refined watch list offers the applicant a great opportunity to remember the matching job advertisements or company profiles and to transfer them later to their own profile; strong usability with ingenious simplicity makes applying fun.

Zur Website

Juice Jobs in a New Design


In cooperation with the HRM Personal Institut, we drafted, designed and developed the new appearance of the regional job portals from Tyrol (tirolerjobs.at) to Vienna (wienerjobs.at) and succeeded in building a well-developed, client-capable platform solution that includes many innovations in the recruiting sector.