Sustainable marketing

More and more companies are focusing on sustainable marketing measures in order to conserve resources and protect the environment. Why is sustainability so important in marketing? In a time of scarce resources and growing environmental awareness, companies have the opportunity to take responsibility and help shape a sustainable future. Here are some compact tips on how companies in Austria can make their marketing activities more sustainable.

Companies integrate sustainable measures into their business strategy in order to conserve resources. This not only strengthens their image as a sustainable company, but also promotes customer loyalty and long-term success. Sustainability is important in many areas of life. Companies have a significant responsibility as their products and services have a major impact on the environment. Acting sustainably can improve image and promote customer loyalty.

Sustainability and customer loyalty

Sustainability promotes customer loyalty, as more and more people are paying attention to the ecological impact of their purchasing decisions. Customers are prepared to pay more for sustainable products. Companies should therefore communicate their sustainability measures consistently.

Creating a sustainable brand image

Sustainability is not only good for the environment, but also for the brand image. The conscious selection of environmentally friendly materials and the promotion of local supply chains help to create a positive image and attract new target groups.

Environmentally friendly materials

The integration of environmentally friendly materials in packaging and advertising strategies is crucial. Innovative materials such as recycled paper or biodegradable plastics offer sustainable solutions.

Switching to digital marketing

Switching to digital marketing reduces paper consumption. Through email campaigns and social media ads, companies can communicate efficiently without using paper. This measure promotes an environmentally conscious image.

Use of renewable energies in production

The use of renewable energies in the production of marketing materials improves the environmental balance. Solar and wind energy help to reduce CO2 emissions and promote customer loyalty in the long term.

Promoting local supply chains

Promoting local supply chains reduces transportation routes and CO2 emissions. Customers appreciate transparent information on the origin of products. This strengthens trust in the brand and promotes customer loyalty.

Sustainable marketing


Sustainable marketing is becoming increasingly important nowadays as companies develop greater environmental awareness and want to improve their image as well as strengthen customer loyalty.