INJOBS - Die smarte Recruiting Software

Efficient applicant management is more important today than ever before - given the increasing variety of channels, growing requirements and more frequent employee changes. To optimise and simplify the recruitment process, we have developed INJOBS - a modern and user-friendly HR recruiting software that enables companies of all sizes and from all industries to digitalise their recruiting process.

INJOBS offers a wide range of functions that make the recruiting process considerably easier. Compared to other providers on the market, INJOBS impresses with its intuitive and modern structure, which enables every user to find their way around without any special technical knowledge. In addition, the process automation within the software ensures that the administrative effort is reduced to a minimum, leaving more time for the essential tasks. Another outstanding unique selling point is the flexible data storage, which can take place both locally at the customer's premises and in the cloud. This guarantees you full data sovereignty at all times.

In addition, INJOBS can be perfectly customised to your company: from job advertisements and forms in your corporate design to the application status system within the application. INJOBS supports your company according to your individual needs - and the best thing is that nobody will recognise that you are using INJOBS, as everything is aligned with your brand. All application data is stored centrally and online and automatically displayed in a clearly organised structure.

Job offers

An outstanding feature of our recruiting software is the ability to create job adverts in your company's corporate design simply by clicking and editing. Whether for online or offline channels, with INJOBS any HR manager can create an advert in no time at all without having to call on the help of the graphics department. Thanks to the multi-channel integration, the job adverts can then be published on the desired channels with just one click.

Digital processing

INJOBS offers centralised and digital storage of all application data, which makes administration and overview much easier. Regardless of whether the data is received digitally via form, email or post, it is all collected and systematically recorded in a single location. A customisable status system and extensive rating and feedback functions also improve internal transparency within your department, making collaboration even more efficient. The customised rating system also offers a simple and objective evaluation of applicants.

Data storage

Your data belongs to you. The recruiting solution offers flexible options for data storage at the customer's premises that can be customised to suit individual requirements. You can choose whether the application data should be stored locally on your own servers or in the cloud. Both variants guarantee maximum security by restricting use to your IP address or implementing 2-factor authentication to prevent unauthorised access.


INJOBS supports you not only in the administration of application data, but also in the further course of applicant management. For the initial set-up, INJOBS provides a customisable basic onboarding process that helps you to train new employees quickly and efficiently. In addition, the contract generator ensures the legally compliant and uncomplicated creation of employment contracts, which significantly reduces the administrative workload and guarantees the smooth integration of new team members.


Another extremely helpful feature of our software is the ability to obtain comprehensive statistical analyses. This function allows you to analyse the performance of your job advertisements and view important key figures. Data can be recorded and analysed at both branch and company group level.


The INJOBS feed system offers seamless communication both online and offline and provides a comprehensive communication overview. The integrated mail system focusses all applicant communication within the software and thus ensures maximum transparency. All HR managers are always up to date and can exchange important information in real time.

Appointment coordination

INJOBS appointment management allows you to centrally organise all appointments, from job interviews to onboarding. Appointments can be booked directly in the platform and viewed at various levels. This means you always have an overview and can ensure that no appointments are overlooked. All the information required for an interview is quickly accessible thanks to the integrated application management, which enables perfect preparation.


The software also supports the optimisation and creation of job advertisements through AI-supported functions, which increases the quality and attractiveness of your job advertisements. In addition, further AI functions are actively used in the background to make work within the application noticeably easier.

Start now with smart recruiting

A smart HR solution helps you to optimise the recruitment process, save time and increase efficiency in your company. In view of the constantly changing requirements due to new channels and the changing work culture, an HR solution is becoming increasingly indispensable for the success of a company. With INJOBS' wide range of features, you can easily manage the entire application process from job posting to feedback process to onboarding.

If you are interested in how INJOBS can support your organisation, please contact us at any time. Contact us for more information or book a demo appointment on We will be happy to help you integrate INJOBS into your company.

Frequently Asked Questions

INJOBS impresses with its simple and modern structure, flexible data storage and comprehensive integration of online and offline channels. INJOBS also attaches great importance to data protection and offers extensive functions for optimising and creating job advertisements.

Yes, INJOBS is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.

INJOBS offers flexible data storage options, either locally on your servers or in the cloud, both of which are protected by IP restrictions or 2-factor authentication. This guarantees the security and protection of sensitive applicant data.

INJOBS has a customisable status system, extensive evaluation and feedback functions and a user-defined rating system. These features make administration easier and improve transparency within your department.

Yes, we offer you the opportunity to try out a demo version of INJOBS. Please contact us to find out more.

INJOBS – The smart recruiting software


Efficient applicant management is more important today than ever before - in view of the increasing variety of channels, growing requirements and more frequent employee changes.